Best practices to work from home
- Lifestyle, Routine
- April 28, 2020
Working remotely is a challenge for everyone. A bit more than a year working from home gave me some experience that may help you with some tips and ideas on how to survive to work from home. I will talk about best practices, but what are the best practices? And if they are not the ones which work for you. …
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SEO novelties of Google for 2020
- Uncategorized
- February 15, 2020
The world of SEO is constantly changing, as a result of updates made on Google and the improvement guidelines. This is something crucial that significantly modifies the search results and therefore can affect different websites, depending on the content and the niche. Google is based on offering quality content adapted to the user, increasingly oriented to their search intent. SEO …
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Entrepreneur wasting energy or opportunities?
I was an entrepreneur for more than ten years, building my network with other entrepreneurs, CEOs and company owners. After some time, interacting with my peers in the digital area I have started to ask myself why entrepreneurs in digital areas always spend their energy creating new products and services? I’ve met many competitors, and I can’t remember one without …
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